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learning to write strong academic essays

Searching For An Example Of A Literature Extended Essay

There is more than one type of composition, as you probably have found out in your academic career. The various types are not intended to give you a headache but to create an analytical mind. It is not just developing the thought process, either. The various types will challenge you to express your opinions, or demonstrate you have searched properly for the facts. An extended essay is going to have you do a very detailed examination of a subject. It shows both your ability to write and also do research. This can be difficult for those who are not comfortable writing. Some examples can help guide their footsteps. If you are looking for an example of a literature extended essay there are some places you can easily investigate.

  • Academic Websites. These may be platforms set up by the department or school to help students. There can be a number of examples of what people written in the past and these can give some direction in doing a literature extended composition.
  • Subject Related Websites. In this instance it would be those platforms that are dealing with literature and study of it. You may find content written by other people addressing a particular literary subject. Some of the work may be response to a given question. It is not a bad idea to note how the writer addressed the query.
  • Slideshare Demonstration. These are a means of teaching how to write an extended essay. What is nice is that the lesson is set up on Slideshare so you can easily see the progression how this type of paper is constructed.
  • Check with the Teacher. This is the traditional way of finding example and still works. Your teacher may have some copies of earlier works you can take a look at them.

Examples are meant to be guidance and they should be used for nothing else. It is quite understandable you may not be very proficient in writing and need. Examples can do that for you but in the end is going to be your work. There are students who take the example, and claim it to be their very own. That is of course plagiarism and there are very serious consequences for that infraction.

A good idea is to write that extended composition in a draft first time around. You can then go back to the example, see if there’s any way to improve your work, and apply the revision to the paper. It is how many people learn how to write more effectively. This is a learning process and it may take effort and time. You will be a better writer because of your hard work.

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Stuck with essay? Read this essay writing tips.

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