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learning to write strong academic essays

How To Write An Essay That Will Impress Your Teacher: 10 Simple Tricks

When you are asked to write an essay, apart from writing on your topic of interest, such paper should also be written to impress your teacher. This is surely one of your aims, right? Your concern now should be how to write in order to impress your teacher. Here are some simple tricks you will find very helpful in writing impressive essays. They are as follows:

  • Start Off Early: Some students perform woefully because they wait till the night before submission day to start writing their essays. If you don’t want to be under a lot of stress, it is important that you start your research and writing early.
  • Carry Out Research: You need to gather enough data before you start writing your paper. This way, you don’t just write fluff and submit – your paper will be full of facts and examples.
  • Create Outline: When you outline your work, it makes writing easier than you can imagine. At the end of the day, your paper will be properly structured and well-written.
  • Use Proper Punctuations: The two most important in this case are colons and semi-colons. If you end up misusing these punctuations, your teacher would surely not be impressed with your work.
  • Include Several Viewpoints: Instead of opting for just a few viewpoints as you write your essay, include multiple viewpoints. This way, you will prove to your teacher that you are a smart and capable student, especially when you cover both sides of the topic assigned.
  • Choose An Interesting Title: Most times, it is the titles of papers that lure readers into opening them. Choose a title that tells your readers they are in a for a jolly good ride reading your paper.
  • Go For Uncommon Verbs: When you opt for strong but easily understandable terms and phrases when writing your essays, your teacher and target audience will see you as an intelligent student. Go beyond elementary level choice of words.
  • Avoid Incessant Use Of Abbreviations: Unlike text messaging where abbreviations are the order of the day, you should not abbreviate when writing your essay. Acronyms can be abbreviated but the first time they appear, they should be written in full.
  • Write In Active Language: Yes, when you write in active language instead of passive language, it gives your paper more worth before your readers and teacher.
  • Write A First Draft: Avoid the urge to submit the first draft written. This is the major reason why you should start early. Write your first draft and use it to develop your main paper.

Apart from all these tricks, you should also check your paper for plagiarism, avoid inclusion of several quotes and most importantly, submit your essay on time.

Useful Links

Need help with essay? ibuyessay.com - good essay writing service.

Stuck with essay? Read this essay writing tips.

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