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A List Of Good Essay Topics On The Holocaust

Although it was one of the most horrific experiences in centuries, the Holocaust remains a common topic in history classes. Students must learn history because, otherwise, history has a tendency to repeat itself. To get started on a Holocaust essay, students should consider some of the following topic ideas. There are plenty of examples, ideas and stories online that can be used for research. Once students have found a good topic, they can modify it to suit their own interests.

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Topics on the Holocaust

  1. Why do some people deny that the Holocaust occurred? What “proof” do they use to support their belief?
  2. What were the various extermination methods used by the death camps?
  3. What motivated neighbors to ostracize, attack and kill their Jewish neighbors? How did German propaganda influence the minds of the German people?
  4. What percentage of the Holocaust victims were Jewish? What other groups made up the victims at the concentration camps?
  5. Even when nations surrendered to the Nazis, some individuals and groups chose to fight back. What was the resistance like to the Nazis? Was it effective?
  6. How could the Holocaust have been stopped? Should western governments or the United States have intervened as Germany started to militarize again? Would the Holocaust have been prevented if western powers had dealt more fairly with Germany after World War I?
  7. Many people have pointed out that Hitler had Jewish ancestry. If he were partially Jewish in heritage, why would he be convinced that Jews could not be a part of the master race?
  8. Who was Hannah Senesh? How did she contribute to the resistance?
  9. What was the Holocaust like from a Nazi soldier's perspective? Were all Nazis evil or were they, in essence, the same as their fellow humans?
  10. What was the Final Solution? What did it mean for Jewish, Roman Catholic, homosexual and Romani prisoners in the Holocaust?
  11. Why did the Order Police use mass shootings instead of gas chambers? How did the majority of Holocaust victims die?
  12. One of the major debates between academicians is if Hitler planned to exterminate Jews before the war or if it was just easier than forcing them to migrate. The functionalism versus intentionalism debate remains a good, controversial topic on the Holocaust.
  13. Is it possible for the Holocaust to reoccur? Is there a way to prevent this horrible event from taking place again?
  14. How much did the Holocaust and World War II cost in human and financial terms?
  15. How did some Jews escape from the ghettos and concentration camps? Did they escape alone of did other people aid them?

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